Legal Notice and Terms of Use
1. Website owner
The present website is owned by The Church of Almighty God, 147-54 Ash Avenue, Flushing, New York 11355, US, EIN: 37-1820870.
Please, check our Local Congregations List to see your local Church of Almighty God congregation’s information and contact details.
2. Purpose, scope and duration
The present Legal Notice regulates the use of the Website, as well as its access, navigation and, in general, the relationship of the Website’s owner with any person accessing the Website (hereinafter, referred to individually as the “User” or collectively as the “Users”).
The Website provides Users general information about The Church of Almighty God, its activities and events (hereinafter, the “Content/s”), all in accordance with this Legal Notice.
The Church of Almighty God reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation, configuration and Content of the Website or the conditions required for access and/or use the Website, as well as to interrupt, suspend or terminate access to the Content of the Website, without the User being entitled to demand any compensation whatsoever.
The temporary validity of this Legal Notice coincides, therefore, with the time of its exposure, until it is totally or partially modified, and, at such time, the new legal notice made available to Users in this Website will come into effect.
Access, browsing and use of the Website by a User implies the express and unreserved acceptance of all the terms of this Legal Notice and any particular conditions, having the same validity and effectiveness as any signed, written contract.
3. Access
Access to the Website is free of charge, except for the cost of connection through the corresponding telecommunications network that the User has access to.
The Church of Almighty God is not responsible for any damages of any kind produced to the User arising from failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption of access to the Website.
4. Terms of use
The main purpose of these terms of use is to regulate access to the Website. Those who freely access the Website are obliged to observe them. Access to and browsing of the Website implies acceptance of these terms and conditions expressly and without reservations. Furthermore, those who access the Website must also observe applicable legislation and ethical codes.
Excessive or abusive use of the Website may result in denial of access to it. Excessive and/or abusive use shall be considered to be any use that goes against the general principles of good faith, morality and public order, any use that causes or may cause any damage to the Website and/or third parties as well as their respective interests, including copyright, and conduct aimed at disabling or deteriorating the operation and usability of the Website as well as those that violate any specific instruction and/or warning that may have been communicated by The Church of Almighty God or the staff designated by it for this purpose. In particular, but not limited to, the following conducts are not permitted:
a. Denigrate the image of The Church of Almighty God.
b. The use of computer viruses or any other code, file or program that is designed or intended to interrupt, damage or limit the operation of any software, hardware or telecommunications equipment, or to damage or obtain unauthorized access to data or other information on the Website or any third party.
c. Remove technical protections from computer programs or attempt to test the vulnerability of any system or network on the Website or violate any security or authentication measures.
d. Use false identities or impersonate others in the use of the Website, including the use, where appropriate, of passwords of third parties.
e. Using the Contents of the Website for commercial purposes when this is not expressly authorised.
f. Associate the Contents of the Website with information of a pornographic nature, relating to any type of exploitation of a racist, xenophobic nature or linked to terrorism or arms trafficking.
g. Transforming, publicly communicating, distributing, assigning, reproducing or modifying the Contents of the Website, unless any of the exceptions valid in law or expressly authorised by The Church of Almighty God may be applied.
h. Failure to comply with the technical requirements or specifications established to access the Website.
i. Promote, perform, support or encourage actions contrary to free competition or that constitute unfair competition.
The operation of the Website is supported by servers of service providers, connected by public and private
communications infrastructures.
Access to the Website may be suspended for technical reasons or for reasons of force majeure, as the following:
a) Power or telephone failure.
b) Virus attacks to the servers that support the Website.
c) Errors of the Users in the access to the Website.
d) Fires, floods, earthquakes or other natural events.
e) Strikes or labour conflicts.
f) Conflicts of war or other situations of force majeure.
These causes, which are expressed by way of illustration but not by way of limitation, are of an unforeseeable nature or which, foreseen or foreseeable, are unavoidable.
The Church of Almighty God is exonerated of any type of responsibility when any of them take place.
Failure to comply with any of the rules included in this Legal Notice or the legislation that protects them, may involve the materialization of an unlawful act, an administrative sanction, an offense or a crime and will entitle The Church of Almighty God to claim civil, administrative, labour or criminal liability, as applicable.
The Church of Almighty God states that it has adopted the necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of technology, to guarantee the operation of the Website and to detect the existence of viruses and other components harmful to Users. Nevertheless, the User must be aware that the security measures of the computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable and that, therefore, The Church of Almighty God cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may produce alterations in the User's computer systems (software and hardware) or in their electronic documents and files contained therein, the User assuming any risk or damage that may occur, guaranteeing, therefore, the indemnity of The Church of Almighty God in this respect. In any event, the User is responsible for having the appropriate tools for detecting and deactivating harmful computer programs.
5. Embedded content or linked sites
Insertion of links from third-party web pages to the Website
If any User, entity or website wishes to insert any type of link from his / its web page to the Website, such link may only be directed to the Home Page of the Website, except with the express prior written authorization of The Church of Almighty God. In addition, the link must be absolute and complete so that it takes the User to the URL of the Website and completely covers the entire length of the screen of the Home Page of the Website.
In all cases, it is forbidden to use any type of frames to display the Website or permit the Content to be viewed through different URLs other than the Website URL and, in any case, where the Content can be viewed together with content outside the Website, in a way that: (i) causes, or may cause, error or confusion in, or misleads or may mislead, Users as to the true origin of the service or Contents, (ii) constitutes an act of unfair comparison or imitation, (iii) serves to take advantage of the reputation of The Church of Almighty God’s brand and prestige; or (iv) is otherwise prohibited by the legislation in force.
The establishment of a link does not imply the existence of legal relations between The Church of Almighty God and the owner of the third-party website, nor the acceptance, approval, sponsorship, verification or supervision by The Church of Almighty God of its contents or services.
The Church of Almighty God does not authorize the insertion of links to the Website from those third-party websites that contain illicit, inappropriate or illegal materials, information or contents that are in contravention of morality, public order or generally accepted social norms. However, The Church of Almighty God does not have the human and technical means to know and control all the information, contents, products or services provided by the websites of third parties that may have established links to the Website, for which reason The Church of Almighty God does not assume any type of responsibility for any aspect related to said websites of third parties.
The Church of Almighty God reserves the right to prohibit or disable at any time and immediately any link to the Website, especially in cases of illegality of the activity or content of the website of third parties in which the link is included. If Users have effective knowledge of the unlawfulness of activities carried out through these third-party websites, please inform The Church of Almighty God immediately in order to disable the access link.
Insertion of links from the Website to third-party web pages
Any mention that may be made on the Website to other websites of third parties will be of a purely informative nature. The Church of Almighty God does not develop or administer said pages nor is the owner of the aforementioned URLs unless this is expressly indicated. For this reason, The Church of Almighty God will not be responsible for the contents incorporated therein, nor for the damages derived from said access, nor for those generated by the services provided.
If Users have effective knowledge of the unlawfulness of activities carried out through these linked sites, we kindly ask that they immediately inform The Church of Almighty God so that it may disable the access link.
6. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
The Church of Almighty God is the owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Website including all the Contents and elements thereof (included but not limited to texts, images, audio and videos) available from the Website, as well as those that it has hosted on third-party sites either because they are its property, or because it has obtained the appropriate rights for their use. Likewise, The Church of Almighty God has obtained the appropriate authorizations regarding the image rights of those who appear on its Website.
The trademarks incorporated in the Website are owned by The Church of Almighty God or third parties, who have authorized The Church of Almighty God for the use of their trademarks on the Website. Those who browse through the Website are prohibited from using such trademarks, logos and distinctive signs without the authorization of the owner or the obtention of a license to use them.
All Content that is produced by The Church of Almighty God on this Website may be browsed, reproduced, downloaded, duplicated, distributed and broadcast free of charge. In order to spread the gospel of Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God welcomes any User (media, group, organization or individual) to reproduce the Contents found in this Website. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, any User when reproducing, mentioning or otherwise use any Contents included in the Website, must always comply with the following requirements:
1) A note stating that the Content “comes from The Church of Almighty God” must be included, as well as the website address of The Church of Almighty God:;
2) The Content must be used as originally intended, therefore, it shall not be tampered with, distorted, extracted portions of and altered the Content, or create any other derivative works from it, without the prior written authorization of The Church of Almighty God;
3) Any Content included in this Website shall not be used directly or indirectly for commercial purposes. Furthermore, the Content on this Website shall not be used to defame The Church of Almighty God nor go against the purpose of this Website, which is to bear testimony to and preach Almighty God’s gospel.
4) The Content in this Website may contain third party copyright material. This material cannot be used separately without receiving permission from the original author(s) or copyright holder(s), therefore, the User that reproduces the Contents will be held solely responsible for any and all consequences resulting from failure to uphold these clauses and any ensuing liability for intellectual property infringement (including copyright infringement).
Finally, indicate that the use of The Church of Almighty God’s contact data (postal address, telephone number, e-mail address) for the delivery of any type of commercial communication is prohibited, unless the necessary authorisations have been previously obtained in accordance with the applicable regulations.
7. Use and update
This Legal Notice (including the Terms of Use, as well as the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy) is available to those who access the Website as Users or interested in The Church of Almighty God's activities. Those who access the Legal Notice can consult it and print it without the need to register.
The content of the standards contained in the Legal Notice shall be adapted in accordance with the modifications made to the applicable legislation, the structure of The Church of Almighty God, the services, the design and technical specifications of the Website, the technological infrastructure, with which they shall be updated periodically and without prior notice.
In this respect, we suggest you check this Legal Notice periodically to verify its changes over time.
8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
This Legal Notice, which also includes the Terms of Use of the Website, the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy, shall be governed by European Union legislation. Due to the supranational nature of the electronic communications infrastructures, those who access the Website from other countries outside the European Union must also observe the applicable legislation promulgated by each state, insofar as these are of imperative application.
For the resolution of any controversy and/or discrepancy that may arise in relation to the existence, validity, interpretation, application, execution, non-compliance or nullity of this Legal Notice, the imperative rules on applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction shall apply.
9. Notice About Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Infringement
The Church of Almighty God respects the intellectual property rights of others. If you suspect that any Content on the Website infringes on such rights, please inform us immediately and provide valid, written proof. We will verify your claim and handle it appropriately in a timely manner. Please send the following information to
1) Proof of identity: Your full name or at the very least information to prove your identity, as well as contact information (phone number or email address).
2) Proof of intellectual property rights: Information that can confirm you own the rights to the intellectual property contained in the Website or that you are authorized to represent the owner of said intellectual property.
3) Written statement confirming infringing activity and the process in which infringement occurred: Confirmation that the Content contained in the Website infringes upon the intellectual property rights or other rights of another, and a written statement of specific reasons thereto.
4) Electronic or physical signature of the owner of the relevant intellectual property rights or of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the relevant intellectual property rights.
10. Other
The content of this website has been translated entirely by professional translators. However, due to linguistic differences etc., a small number of inaccuracies are inevitable. If you discover any such inaccuracies, please refer to the original Chinese version, and feel free to get in touch to let us know.
The English version of the Legal Notice is translated from Spanish. If any inconsistencies exist between the translation and the Spanish version, the Spanish version shall prevail.
Effective date: 2019-07-05